International Journal of Advance Research in Multidisciplinary, 2024;2(2):47-53
Impact of local food on the development of a tourism destination: A study on Himachal Pradesh
Author : Ruchi Sharma
Food, when we hear the word ‘food’, so many cuisines comes our minds. The definition of food is different for everyone, some just love to eat food, some are quite specific about their meals, and some are health conscious regarding their food habits, but, everyone wants to explore cuisines worldwide. We all hear the word food tourism. In Food tourism, people travel to different destinations to explore different specialties of the world. Food tourism gives expression like new trends in the market, but culinary tourism, gastronomy, and creative tourism are all the words that define people traveling to experience food. Destination can attract people to enjoy the local cuisines. Food plays a motivational role in tourism as a pull factor, they can attract tourists to visit the destination and enjoy the gourmet of the place. Travelers want to explore the culture and authenticity of the destination, tradition, and history of the destination. Himachal Pradesh is famous for its culture and hospitality. In the attraction, Himachal Pradesh is well known for its nature, mountains, culture, tradition, and food. Observation of the market and research, local food attracts tourists to explore the tradition of the destination and enjoy a pure meal. In this manner, the government needs to make a brand of local food to attract the tourist. Local food plays a key role as a push factor in tourism development.
Cuisine, Local food, Culture and tradition, Food tourism, motivation, Gourmet food