Instructions to Authors
Manuscripts should be sent to
You can submit manuscripts online as well: Manuscript Submission
Articles should be submitted as an attachment to the editorial manuscript email at and must be original.
Authors can also submit their articles online using the following form:
The typeface (typing) is as follows: Times New Roman for English, Kruti Dev 10 for Hindi, Nudi 01 k for Kannada, STM-BNT-Arjun for Bengali, Gurmukhi or ASEES for Punjabi, and Unicode for all other languages. For further information on any other languages, please get in touch with us.
The font size for all content should be 10.
Scientific word should be Italics
The content should be prepared by following to the journal's general layout.
Writing a Cover Letter
A statement in the cover letter attesting to the originality, unpublished status, and absence of publishing of the submitted work. The managing editor of the journal should receive it from the corresponding author on behalf of the other authors together with the manuscript. Give the names, affiliations, and phone numbers of two potential reviewers (Optional).
The title, name(s),
E-mail address(es), and
Complete address of the corresponding author with e-mail and phone number/Mob. No. should all appear on the first page of the manuscript.
The title should contain just required info.
The abstract should not exceed 300 words and should include the following: In the abstract, evade employing any acronyms. The usage of taxonomic authorities is not appropriate here. The abstract shouldn't cite any sources.
Three to six keywords should be placed after the abstract.
This section should outline the study's chosen main issue along with any pertinent prior research and any suggested approaches. The text should be supported by appropriate references.
Resources and Procedures
The specific experimental procedures, tools, and software utilised in the study should be listed here with the appropriate citations. Additionally, the specifics of the study field should be given.
The results of the experiment or study should be given here by the author(s) in a clear and simple manner. The past tense is the proper one to use.
With the aid of past work and publications, the study should be thoroughly explored along with the importance of the findings.
This section needs to include notice of the study's key findings.
It is important to acknowledge the funding source, institutional leader, coworkers, field helpers, local residents, etc., and to disclose any potential conflicts of interest.
References should be typed in Vancouver style within the text.
Submit Manuscript:
Manuscripts Submissions are open (Call for Papers)
Publication Fee (India): 1500 INR
Publication Fee (International): 45 USD
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