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ISSN : 2583-9667, Impact Factor: 6.038

Contact : +91 9315510518


Contact : +91 9315510518


International Journal of Advance Research in Multidisciplinary, 2023;1(1):418-423

To study extreme conditions of pressure and temperature using Raman spectroscopy

Author : CH Gangadhar and Dr. Rajesh Keshavrao Deshmukh


The primary advantage of Raman spectroscopy is its capacity to deliver a vast amount of quickly and readily analyzed information. Observations of the associated elementary excitations can be used to characterize the electronic, magnetic, vibrational, and elastic subsystems using the Raman spectra. Because of their extreme selectivity, the Raman spectra of phonons-lattice and molecule vibrations-allow for finger-printing study of a material's phase, including information about its composition and condition. Vibrational selection criteria, which control the Raman activity of phonon modes based on their symmetry and the wave vector, reveal information about the crystal structure. By coupling to the vibrational modes and observing the spectra of the electronic and magnetic excitations, one can gain access to electronic and magnetic states.


Raman, spectroscopy, magnetic, vibrational, elastic