International Journal of Advance Research in Multidisciplinary, 2023;1(2):464-470
Develop a new technique to control location of forced hydraulic jump in a rectangular channel
Author : Rupali Jagtap and Dr. Kaushal Kumar
Channel modifications, such as river engineering, dredging, and artificial embankments, are often implemented to manage water flow, prevent flooding, and support navigation. However, these interventions can significantly alter the hydraulic characteristics of water bodies, leading to profound effects on the ecosystem services they provide. The effects of different channel changes on hydraulic dynamics and the ecological functions of river systems. The study also explores the subsequent effects on ecosystem services, including habitat provision, water purification, and flood regulation. An improved comprehension of the intricate interplay between hydraulic engineering and ecological systems. It provides practical recommendations for policymakers, engineers, and environmental managers on how to mitigate the negative effects of channel modifications while maximizing the benefits for both human and natural systems. The research underscores the need in order to accomplish integrated water management strategies that balance ecological and hydrological factors for the benefit of future generations sustainability of riverine environments.
Hydraulic Jump, Technique, ecological systems, environments