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ISSN : 2583-9667, Impact Factor: 6.038

Contact : +91 9315510518


Contact : +91 9315510518


International Journal of Advance Research in Multidisciplinary, 2024;2(1):49-51

Impact of new technology on sugarcane production in reserve and free area of sugar mill

Author : Sanjeev Kumar


Uttar Pradesh alone contribute almost fifty percent share of India’s total sugarcane production. It is also a main source of fodder for animals in western Uttar Pradesh. In comparison to other state per hectare low yield indicate the gap between recommended and adopted technology of sugarcane production by the farmers the present study is based on 150 sugarcane growers which was selected 75 each from reserve and free area of the sugar mill. Result of the study indicate that the majority of sugarcane growers in reserve area i.e. 64 percent were under the higher adopted group of sugarcane technology while that 31 percent were under the free area. Further on an average 14,39 and 47 percent farmers were under the lower, medium and higher adopted group of sugarcane technology. The average cropping intensity was calculated 130 percent in reserve area and 134 percent in free area. It is also analyzed that sugarcane occupies an average of 72 percent of the gross cropped area followed by wheat. The yield of sugarcane was found higher in higher level of adoption technology in both reserve and free area. Further the net income was calculated average 68737 rupees in reserve area and63966 rupees in free area which was less than overall average.


Sugarcane, production technology, sugarcane growers, cropping intensity, cropping pattern, sugar mill, productivity