International Journal of Advance Research in Multidisciplinary, 2024;2(1):127-136
Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance of Listed Consumer Goods Firms in Nigeria: A Granger Causality Approach
Author : GBORE Emmanuel Shina
This study examined the connection between CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and the financial efficiency of the listed consumer goods firms on the Nigerian Exchange Group (NGX). CSR was assessed based on community relations, employee relations, and environmental relations. The research focused on the recognition that Nigeria's consumer goods industry has a significant presence of multinational corporations that prioritize stakeholder management. The research employed a longitudinal research design approach to retrieve data from the population. 19 companies out of the 21 listed companies on the NGX were sampled. These firms were listed as of 31st December, 2022. The analysis were conducted on the collected annual reports of various issues. Descriptive statistics and a Granger causality test were employed to evaluate the data and examine the causal impact. The result of the study shows that CSR is statistically correlated to return on assets and overall financial performance. The results suggest that building strong relationships with the community and environment can enhance a company's financial outcomes. On the other hand, employee relationships has a negative correlation and impact on financial performance. Moreover, companies should improve their sustainable labor practices to achieve positive effects on their financial performance and comply with global standards. Additionally, incorporating environmental sustainability practices into CSR can contribute to long-term economic benefits for companies.
Financial performance, community relations, environmental sustainability practice, CSR, return on asset, financial performance, consumer goods