International Journal of Advance Research in Multidisciplinary, 2024;2(1):171-172
To survey information and demeanor with respect to Alzheimer’s among grown-ups in Rohtak with a see of conducting an mindfulness programe on avoidance of Alzheimer’s
Author : Rachna Panghal and Dr. Arti Rauthanc
One of the diseases with the fastest global growth is dementia. Alzheimer's dementia is a main cognitive impairment illness marked by a steady decline in cognitive performance that eventually causes a person to lose recognition of objects, people, and places that they were once familiar with. In the latter stage, there is no longer ability to talk or walk.
The study's main goal was to evaluate and determine people's overall attitudes and awareness regarding Alzheimer's disease as a social concern.
Alzheimer’s, demeanor, mindfulness programe, global growth