Article Abstract
International Journal of Advance Research in Multidisciplinary, 2023;1(1):171-174
To study the perception of parental involvement in secondary school students
Author : Thomas George and Dr. Vinita Vashishtha
Parental neglect of their children's education is one issue that frequently comes up in the home setting. Family education can be influenced by a number of elements, including culture, social position, occupation, and local environment. One common cause of neglect in family education is parents' belief that family education is unnecessary while the child is enrolled in school. This issue is frequently brought on by parents' lack of experience and busy schedules when it comes to teaching their kids, particularly those in elementary school. The years spent in elementary school are crucial for developing an independent personality. Character traits, particularly the virtue of independence, should be instilled in primary school kids as the home environment is an expression of how students are equipped for society. Because the education parents instill have a long-term effect that leads to the maturation of early childhood character, the role of parents as a whole will be crucial to the success of family education. This viewpoint is based on the idea that family learning environments can be an effective means of fostering character values, particularly independence. The primary informal learning environment that shapes children's attitudes and character is their family. Children in elementary school have different socializing patterns depending on their familial background. Of course, the range of parenting philosophies that are typically used in accordance with each family's unique traits is inextricably linked to the function of parents. Parenting is the relationship that parents have with their children to help shape their attitudes and knowledge-especially for young children in elementary school. According to, it is crucial to highlight parents' involvement in their children's education if we want to help elementary school pupils reach their full academic and non-academic potential.
Education, perception, parental involvement, secondary school, students