Article Abstract
International Journal of Advance Research in Multidisciplinary, 2023;1(1):503-510
Impact of the current crisis on agriculture growth and sustainability in Manipur
Author : Laimayum Ashutosh Sharma and Dr. Amit Kumar Chauhan
Manipur in India is endowed with rich biodiversity and abundant natural resources. Despite inaccessibility, marginality and heterogeneity, the state has made good progress in agriculture and allied sectors. About 80% of the state population depends on agriculture for livelihood. However, agriculture sector in Manipur is facing the consequences of climate change. Climate change is a reality and an increasing trend in temperature, precipitation and emission of greenhouse gases has been observed in Manipur. The state is also projected to experience more of extreme rainfall and reduction in crop yields. As subsistence level farming is coupled with prevalent shifting cultivation, the small and marginal farmers will be most affected due to climate change. Hence, there is an urgent need for devising climate proof plan and climate ready policy for climate compatible agricultural development in Manipur. Location-specific climate smart technology baskets need to be devised or introduced and should be demonstrated through participatory approach, for ensuring a climate resilient production system, and a climate resilient ecosystem. The present article seeks to examine the problems of agricultural development in Manipur by using selective parameters–distribution of workers, area under cultivation, production of crops, land utilisation, land holdings, etc. The study suggested that the traditional based agriculture of Manipur can be transformed into a modern based agriculture by adopting science-based technology, making efficient pricing system within agriculture, providing economic incentives, prioritizing agriculture, reducing general strikes and bandhs, utilizing manpower optimally, making communication and disseminating knowledge among farmers, providing good infrastructural transport, making a congenial social institutions and financial inclusion. Modernisation of agriculture will accelerate the pace of economic development by enhancing economic growth and reduction of poverty.
Agriculture and allied sectors, land holdings, farmers