Article Abstract
International Journal of Advance Research in Multidisciplinary, 2024;2(4):29-32
An article on Indian knowledge system (IKS) & its connect to Higher Education with special reference to National Education Policy (NEP) 2020
Author : Dr. Rajesh Kumar Pandey
Education leads to the Holistic Development of individuals. Individuals sum up to be the group & groups lead to formation of the Society. A developed individual eventually becomes the base for a developed society. Education and Business have been knitted together. The Indian Knowledge System (IKS) enhances the level of education and has a strategic impact on Businesses. The Indian Knowledge System (IKS), enables a holistic approach to education. IKS finds its roots in India's ancient wisdom; it integrates traditional values with contemporary knowledge. IKS has a notable influence on Higher Education as well. The Youth do get influenced by the Knowledge system. The Indian Higher Education model preaches Holistic Education for youth of the Nation, Ethics through Indian Ethos, inclusive workforce & social communities etc. By fostering collaboration between IKS practitioners and academic institutions, we can bridge the knowledge gap and leverage the potential of IKS to enhance human well-being. The current NEP 2020 advocates the IKS. This article attempts to understand the essence of IKS and study the connect between IKS & Higher Education with special reference to NEP 2020. The article encompasses the theoretical understanding on IKS, the same would turn up as literature for further studies. IKS can be witnessed and probably has the scope in the Educational environment and societal domain.
Education, educational environment, IKS, Higher Education, NEP 2020