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ISSN : 2583-9667, Impact Factor: 6.038

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Contact : +91 9315510518

Article Abstract

International Journal of Advance Research in Multidisciplinary, 2023;1(2):483-488

Technology and Financial Inclusion: Transforming the Financial Strategies of Women in Agra

Author : Hridesh Sachdeva and Dr. Mahesh Chandra


Technology has emerged as a powerful enabler of financial inclusion, particularly for women in semi-urban and urban settings. Agra, a city known for its cultural heritage, represents a microcosm of the challenges and opportunities faced by women in accessing financial services. This paper explores how technological advancements have transformed financial strategies and behaviors among women in Agra. By leveraging digital payment platforms, mobile banking, and microfinance innovations, women are increasingly participating in financial ecosystems, gaining independence, and contributing to the local economy. The study examines the current state of financial inclusion among women in Agra, identifies technological interventions, and evaluates their socio-economic impacts. Recommendations for policy and practice are provided to enhance the adoption and effectiveness of technology-driven financial inclusion strategies.


Financial, Inclusion, particularly, socio-economic, Commerce, Management