Article Abstract
International Journal of Advance Research in Multidisciplinary, 2025;3(1):43-47
Relationship between bio-motor, physiological, and psychological variables and kabaddi performance in female players
Author : Khwairakpam Melody Devi and Dr. K Sekar Babu
The present study investigates the relationship between bio-motor, physiological, and psychological variables and their collective influence on the Kabaddi playing ability of district-level female players in Manipur, India. A total of 200 female Kabaddi players were assessed on a range of variables: bio-motor (speed, agility, explosive power, grip strength, and muscular endurance), physiological (anaerobic power, VO2 max, vital capacity, forced expiratory volume, and breath-holding time), and psychological (stress, sports aggression, sports competition anxiety, sports achievement motivation, and self-esteem). Playing ability (PA) was evaluated by three certified Kabaddi coaches. Statistical analyses, including descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation, revealed significant of playing ability. The findings revealed significant correlations between playing ability and variables such as VO2 max (r = 0.966, p<0.05), grip strength (r = 0.773, p<0.05), and self-esteem (r = 0.771, p<0.05) were identified as the strongest contributors. Speed, agility, explosive power, muscular endurance and breath holding time also showed correlation (r=-0.385, p<0.05), (r= -0.936, p<0.05), (r=0.425, p<0.05), (r=0.362, p<0.05) and (r=0.501, p<0.05). Variables such as anaerobic power, vital capacity, forced expiratory volume, stress, sports aggression, sports competition anxiety and sports achievement motivation demonstrated weak or non-significant correlations, suggesting that these attributes may not be primary determinants of playing ability at the district level. These results highlight the importance of specific bio motor, physiological and psychological attributes in Kabaddi performance, providing valuable insights for talent identification and training programs.
Kabaddi performance, playing ability, bio-motor variables, physiological variables, psychological variables, female athletes