Article Abstract
International Journal of Advance Research in Multidisciplinary, 2023;1(2):128-130
A study of job stress among college teachers
Author : Rubaya Yousuf and Dr. Nasreen Qusar
This concise report adds valuable information to the body of research on teachers at Government Colleges' stress levels. In particular, it reports the stress levels of a representative sample of college teachers of Kashmir as determined by the K. S. Misra (2014)-created Teacher Stress Scale (TSS-MK). A questionnaire assessing the levels of distress among teachers was distributed to a stratified random sample of teachers across the LIT of J&K. A notable response rate to the survey revealed a strong commitment among the teaching staff to addressing and reducing the stressors they experience in the College environment. The findings here support what many teachers have long known-that teaching relates to stress levels well-at a time when the stressfulness of teaching is being debated in the public.
Job stress, government college teachers