Article Abstract
International Journal of Advance Research in Multidisciplinary, 2023;1(2):554-559
Evaluating the impact of competency mapping on IT sales professionals in Mumbai: A survey-based approach
Author : Singh Anil Kumar Sabhajit and Dr. Praveen Kumar
This study investigates the effectiveness of competency mapping frameworks in enhancing the performance of IT sales professionals in Mumbai. Employing a survey-based methodology, data was collected from 400 sales professionals across leading IT organisations. Quantitative analysis reveals the relationship between identified competencies, developmental initiatives, and key performance indicators. The findings highlight significant correlations between competency development and sales success, employee satisfaction, and organisational retention strategies. Additionally, the study found that sales professionals who underwent competency mapping frameworks reported higher levels of job satisfaction and were more likely to stay with their current organisation. This suggests that investing in competency development can lead to not only improved individual performance but also greater overall organisational success. The results of this research provide valuable insights for IT companies in Mumbai looking to enhance the performance and retention of their sales teams through targeted competency mapping initiatives.
Competency mapping, IT sales professionals, Mumbai IT sector, quantitative research, workforce development