Article Abstract
International Journal of Advance Research in Multidisciplinary, 2023;1(1):522-529
Viscous fluid MHD oscillatory flow through a porous medium in a channel with heat generation and absorption porous medium
Author : Vikash Rai, Dr. Ashfaq Ur Rahman and Dr. Savita Tiwari
The main aim of the study is to study the Viscous fluid MHD oscillatory flow through a porous medium in a channel with heat generation and absorption porous medium and examine Thermal radiation and cross-diffusion’s impact on heat transfer and hydromagnetic viscous fluid flow adamant parallel plates and learn about the Impact of dual stratification and slip analysis on porous stretched surfaces possible and discuss about the Magnetohydrodynamic copper-water based nanofluid flow between divergent/convergent channel. It is concluded that the fluid movement speeds up as the thermal Grashoff number increases. Increasing the thermal radiation parameter, heat source/sink parameter, and Prandtl number leads to a reduction in the temperature distribution. temperature increases but the concentration profile decreases when the Dufour number and Soret number are improved the Casson parameter, magnetic parameter, and velocity slip parameter reduces fluid velocity at the lower wall, but has the reverse effect near the higher wall.
Transportation, channels, thermal conductivity, Casson fluid, velocity