Article Abstract
International Journal of Advance Research in Multidisciplinary, 2023;1(1):133-138
To study about demographic, social and economic profile of woman teaching staff work-life balance in COVID-19 pandemic
Author : Jaya Sweta Srivastava and Dr. Navdeep Naseer
The work environment has a greater impact on the imbalance of work and life than the family environment. One's time, effort, and mental capacity are all demanded by their employment and the company they work for. A subject manager should concentrate on raising employee organisational loyalty as one of their measures to improve organisational effectiveness. Employees who put in a lot of effort are rewarded with opportunities for career advancement in this situation. Without taking into account their employees' other facets of their private lives, organisations strive to maximise their workforce. Such organisational tactics give employees the chance to advance in their careers and receive other rewards, which may cause them to neglect their personal lives over time. Within the broad category of occupational stress, teaching has been noted as one of the most demanding professions in many nations. Teachers who suffer unpleasant, negative emotions like anger, anxiety, tension, irritation, or despair as a result of some aspect of their work as teachers are said to be experiencing "teacher stress," also known as "teaching-related stress." A teacher's health, wellbeing, and performance may be impacted personally by the stress associated with their job as a teacher. Even a little alteration in the organisational structure of the school can harm relationships between coworkers and foster feelings of injustice and insecurity. Preschool instructors, according to several authors, have additional stressors including dealing with parents who view the school as a child-minding service and having to complete more non-teaching duties like caring for a sick child or cleaning up after them. Since ancient times, women have felt like a weaker segment of society. Teaching has traditionally been a prior career option for women.
Demographic, social and economic profile, teaching staff