Archive (Vol - 1, Issue -1, Part - D, Jul-Sep 2023)
1. Design and implementation of intelligent transportation system to improve safety and security
Author Name: Satnam Singh and Dr. Inderpal Singh Oberoi
2. Personality development and health perceptions: A review approach
Author Name: Kadadanapu Vijay Kumar and Dr. Yugal Kishore
3. Intersections of feminism and immigration in Bharati Mukherjee’s Novels: A study of identity and agency
Author Name: Sunil Kumar and Dr. Kumud KR Agarwal
4. Agro-industrial residues as solid substrate for α-amylase production by bacillus licheniformis
Author Name: Nishant Kumar Sharma and Dr. Avinash Sharma
5. Cultural norms and perceptions of job stress in north Malabar
Author Name: Sabitha CK and Dr. Ruchi Kansal
6. Understanding the forensic testing and screening processes in criminal justice delivery system in India
Author Name: Prodipta Barman and Dr. Vikash Kumar
7. शारीरिक एवं मानसिक तनाव तथा समय के दबाव का तीरंदाजी कौशल पर पड़ने वाले प्रभाव का अध्ययन
Author Name: परवेज अली, डॉ. योगेश कुुमार
8. A historical review of Chaudhary's Family in Malakpur Shumali
Author Name: Sheetal Tyagi and Dr. Kalpana Chaturvedi

9. Exploring the psychological impact: Analysing stress, anxiety, and depression among caregivers of individuals with psychiatric disorders
Author Name: Premlata Sharma and Dr. Pritee Dixit

10. A study on jurisprudence of gender law and morality in society
Author Name: Sukhadev Ghasti and Dr. Narendra Kumar Singh