Archive (Vol - 1, Issue -2, Part - I, Oct-Dec 2023)
1. Develop a new technique to control location of forced hydraulic jump in a rectangular channel
Author Name: Rupali Jagtap and Dr. Kaushal Kumar

2. Gene therapy in head and neck cancer
Author Name: Ravindra and Dr. Prafulla Prakash Adkar Patil

3. Impact of self-help groups on women's education and financial literacy in Rural India
Author Name: Lamzahong Suantak and Dr. Arvind Kumar
4. Technology and Financial Inclusion: Transforming the Financial Strategies of Women in Agra
Author Name: Hridesh Sachdeva and Dr. Mahesh Chandra
5. Blockchain for Secure Evidence Storage in Traffic Incident Reporting: A Decentralized Approach
Author Name: Krishan Kumar and Dr. Ramavtar
6. Ultrastructural characterization of yeast organelles using advanced microscopy techniques
Author Name: Lokesh Kumar
7. पुस्तकालय उपयोगकर्ताओं में पर्यावरणीय जागरूकता बढ़ाने में ग्रीन लाइब्रेरी की प्रभावशीलता का अध्ययन
Author Name: Anu Pal and Dr. Jyoti Choudhary
8. Bridging the gap: A case study analysis of child rights protection and legal frameworks in India
Author Name: G Elangovan and Dr. Deepak Kumar Srivastav
9. An empirical survey of socio-demographic factors influencing FMCG buying behaviour in Indian suburban areas
Author Name: Mulani Navaj Maula and Dr. Deepak Kumar Srivastav
10. Technology integration for inclusive education: A case study of private and government schools
Author Name: Sandhya Rani K and Dr. Sandhya Rani K